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       Mount Everest

       Mount Everest or Qomolangma or Sagarmatha or Chomolungma pronounced as is the highest mountain on Earth, as measured by the height of its summit above sea level. The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in High Asia, is located on the border between Nepal and China.


       The ancient Sanskrit names for the mountain are Devgiri and Devadurga . In Nepali it is known as Sagarmatha meaning "Head of the Sky". The Tibetan name is Chomolungma or Qomolangma ,and the related Chinese name is Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Fēng or Shèngmǔ Fēng,Pinyin: Qomolangma Feng.

       In 1865, the mountain was given its English name by Andrew Waugh, the British surveyor-general of India. With both Nepal and Tibet closed to foreign travel, he wrote:

       I was taught by my respected chief and predecessor, Colonel Sir George Everest to assign to every geographical object its true local or native appellation. But here is a mountain, most probably the highest in the world, without any local name that we can discover, whose native appellation, if it has any, will not very likely be ascertained before we are allowed to penetrate into Nepal. In the meantime the privilege as well as the duty devolves on me to assign…a name whereby it may be known among citizens and geographers and become a household word among civilized nations.

       Waugh chose to name the mountain after George Everest, first using the spelling Mont Everest, and then Mount Everest. However, the modern pronunciation of Everest (IPA: [v?r?st] or [v?r?st] [EV-er-est]) is in fact different from Sir George's own pronunciation of his surname, which was [?iv;r?st] (EAVE-rest).

       In the early 1960s, the Nepalese government realized that Mount Everest had no Nepalese name. This was because the mountain was not known and named in ethnic Nepal (that is, the Kathmandu valley and surrounding areas). The government set out to find a name for the mountain (the Sherpa/Tibetan name Chomolangma was not acceptable, as it would have been against the idea of unification (Nepalization) of the country. The name Sagarmatha (?) was thus invented by Baburam Acharya.

       In 2002, the Chinese People's Daily newspaper published an article making a case against the continued use of the English name for the mountain in the Western world, insisting that it should be referred to by its Tibetan name. The newspaper argued that the Chinese name preceded the English one, as Mount Qomolangma was marked on a Chinese map more than 280 years ago.[4]


       Aerial view of Mount Everest.

       Another aerial view of Mount Everest.Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian mathematician and surveyor from Bengal, was the first to identify Everest as the world's highest peak in 1852, using trigonometric calculations based on measurements of "Peak XV" (as it was then known) made with theodolites from 240 km (150 miles) away in India. Measurement could not be made from closer due to a lack of access to Nepal. "Peak XV" was found to be exactly 29,000 feet (8,839 m) high, but was publicly declared to be 29,002 feet (8,840 m). The arbitrary addition of 2 feet (0.6 m) was to avoid the impression that an exact height of 29,000 feet was nothing more than a rounded estimate.

       More recently, the mountain has been found to be 8,848 m (29,028 feet) high, although there is some variation in the measurements. The mountain K2 comes in second at 8,611 m (28,251 feet) high. On May 22, 2005, the People's Republic of China's Everest Expedition Team ascended to the top of the mountain. After several months' complicated measurement and calculation, on October 9, 2005, the PRC's State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping officially announced the height of Everest as 8,844.43 m ± 0.21 m (29,017.16 ± 0.69 ft). They claimed it was the most accurate measurement to date.[5]. But this new height is based on the actual highest point of rock and not on the snow and ice that sits on top of that rock on the summit, so, in keeping with the practice used on Mont Blanc and Khan Tangiri Shyngy, it is not shown here. The Chinese also measured a snow/ice depth of 3.5 m,[6] which implies agreement with a net elevation of 8,848 m. But in reality the snow and ice thickness varies, making a definitive height of the snow cap, and hence the precise height attained by summiteers without sophisticated GPS, impossible to determine.

       The elevation of 8,848 m (29,028 ft) was first determined by an Indian survey in 1955, made closer to the mountain, also using theodolites. It was subsequently reaffirmed by a 1975 Chinese measurement [7]. In both cases the snow cap, not the rock head, was measured. In May 1999 an American Everest Expedition, directed by Bradford Washburn, anchored a GPS unit into the highest bedrock. A rock head elevation of 8,850 m (29,035 feet), and a snow/ice elevation 1 m (3 ft) higher, were obtained via this device[8]. Although it has not been officially recognized by Nepal [9], this figure is widely quoted. Geoid uncertainty casts doubt upon the accuracy claimed by both the 1999 and 2005 surveys.

       It is thought that the plate tectonics of the area are adding to the height and moving the summit north-eastwards. Two accounts, [8], [10] suggest the rates of change are 4 mm per year (upwards) 3-6 mm per year (northeastwards), but another account mentions more lateral movement (27 mm)[11], and even shrinkage has been suggested [12].

       Everest is the mountain whose summit attains the greatest distance above sea level. Two other mountains are sometimes claimed as alternative "tallest mountains on Earth". Mauna Kea in Hawaii is tallest when measured from its base; it rises over 10,203 m (about 6.3 mi) when measured from its base on the mid-ocean floor, but only attains 4,205 m (13,796 ft) above sea level. The summit of Chimborazo in Ecuador is 2,168 m (7,113 ft) farther from the Earth's centre (6,384.4 km or 3,967.1 mi) than that of Everest (6,382.3 km or 3,965.8 mi), because the Earth bulges at the Equator. However, Chimborazo attains a height of 6,267 m (20,561 ft) above sea level, and by this criterion it is not even the highest peak of the Andes.

       The deepest spot in the ocean is deeper than Everest is high: the Challenger Deep, located in the Mariana Trench, is so deep that if Everest were to be placed into it there would be more than 2 km (1.25 mi) of water covering it.

       The Mount Everest region, and the Himalayas in general, are thought to be experiencing ice-melt due to global warming.[13] The exceptionally heavy southwest summer monsoon of 2005 is consistent with continued warming and augmented convective uplift on the Tibetan plateau to the north.[citation needed]

       Climbing routes

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       View from space showing South Col route and North Col/Ridge route

       Southern and northern climbing routes as seen from the International Space Station.

       Mt. Everest has two main climbing routes, the southeast ridge from Nepal and the northeast ridge from Tibet, as well as many other less frequently climbed routes. Of the two main routes, the southeast ridge is technically easier and is the more frequently-used route. It was the route used by Hillary and Tenzing in 1953 and the first recognised of fifteen routes to the top by 1996. This was, however, a route decision dictated more by politics than by design as the Chinese border was closed to foreigners in 1949. Reinhold Messner (Italy) summited the mountain solo for the first time, without supplementary oxygen or support, on the more difficult Northwest route via the North Col to the North Face and the Great Couloir, on August 20th 1980. He climbed for three days entirely alone from his base camp at 6500 meters. This route has been noted as the 8th climbing route to the summit.

       Most attempts are made during April and May before the summer monsoon season. A change in the jet stream at this time of year reduces the average wind speeds high on the mountain. While attempts are sometimes made after the monsoons in September and October, the additional snow deposited by the monsoons and the less stable weather patterns makes climbing more difficult.

       Southeast ridge

       The ascent via the southeast ridge begins with a trek to Base Camp at 5,380 m (17,600 ft) on the south side of Everest in Nepal. Expeditions usually fly into Lukla (2,860 m) from Kathmandu and pass through Namche Bazaar. Climbers then hike to Base Camp, which usually takes six to eight days, allowing for proper altitude acclimatization in order to prevent altitude sickness. Climbing equipment and supplies are carried by yaks, dzopkyos (yak hybrids) and human porters to Base Camp on the Khumbu Glacier. When Hillary and Tenzing climbed Everest in 1953, they started from Kathmandu Valley, as there were no roads further east at that time.

       A view of Everest southeast ridge base camp. The Khumbu Icefall can be seen in the left. In the center are the remains of a helicopter that crashed in 2003.Climbers will spend a couple of weeks in Base Camp, acclimatizing to the altitude. During that time, Sherpas and some expedition climbers will set up ropes and ladders in the treacherous Khumbu Icefall. Seracs, crevasses and shifting blocks of ice make the icefall one of the most dangerous sections of the route. Many climbers and Sherpas have been killed in this section. To reduce the hazard, climbers will usually begin their ascent well before dawn when the freezing temperatures glue ice blocks in place. Above the icefall is Camp I or Advanced Base Camp (ABC) at 6,065 m (19,900 ft).

       From Camp I, climbers make their way up the Western Cwm to the base of the Lhotse face, where Camp II is established at 6,500 m (21,300 ft). The Western Cwm is a relatively flat, gently rising glacial valley, marked by huge lateral crevasses in the centre which prevent direct access to the upper reaches of the Cwm. Climbers are forced to cross on the far right near the base of Nuptse to a small passageway known as the "Nuptse corner". The Western Cwm is also called the "Valley of Silence" as the topography of the area generally cuts off wind from the climbing route. The high altitude and a clear, windless day can make the Western Cwm unbearably hot for climbers.

       From Camp II, climbers ascend the Lhotse face on fixed ropes up to Camp III, located on a small ledge at 7,470 m (24,500 ft). From there, it is another 500 metres to Camp IV on the South Col at 7,920 m (26,000 ft). From Camp III to Camp IV, climbers are faced with two additional challenges: The Geneva Spur and The Yellow Band. The Geneva Spur is an anvil shaped rib of black rock named by a 1952 Swiss expedition. Fixed ropes assist climbers in scrambling over this snow covered rock band. The Yellow Band is a section of sedimentary sandstone which also requires about 100 metres of rope for traversing it.

       On the South Col, climbers enter the death zone. Climbers typically only have a maximum of two or three days they can endure at this altitude for making summit bids. Clear weather and low winds are critical factors in deciding whether to make a summit attempt. If weather does not cooperate within these short few days, climbers are forced to descend, many all the way back down to Base Camp.

       From Camp IV, climbers will begin their summit push around midnight with hopes of reaching the summit (still another 1,000 metres above) within 10 to 12 hours. Climbers will first reach "The Balcony" at 8,400 m (27,700 ft), a small platform where they can rest and gaze at peaks to the south and east in the early dawn light. Continuing up the ridge, climbers are then faced with a series of imposing rock steps which usually forces them to the east into waist deep snow, a serious avalanche hazard. At 8,750 m (28,700 ft), a small table-sized dome of ice and snow marks the South Summit.

       From the South Summit, climbers follow the knife-edge southeast ridge along what is known as the "Cornice traverse" where snow clings to intermittent rock. This is the most exposed section of the climb as a misstep to the left would send one 2,400 m (8,000 ft) down the southwest face while to the immediate right is the 3,050 m (10,000 ft) Kangshung face. At the end of this traverse is an imposing 12 m (40 ft) rock wall called the "Hillary Step" at 8,760 m (28,750 ft).

       Hillary and Tenzing were the first climbers to ascend this step and they did it with primitive ice climbing equipment and without fixed ropes. Nowadays, climbers will ascend this step using fixed ropes previously set up by Sherpas. Once above the step, it is a comparatively easy climb to the top on moderately angled snow slopes - though the exposure on the ridge is extreme especially while traversing very large cornices of snow. After the Hillary Step, climbers also must traverse a very loose and rocky section that has a very large entanglement of fixed ropes that can be troublesome in bad weather. Climbers will typically spend less than a half-hour on "top of the world" as they realize the need to descend to Camp IV before darkness sets in, afternoon weather becomes a serious problem, or supplemental oxygen tanks run out.

       Northeast ridge

       Everest North FaceThe northeast ridge route begins from the north side of Everest in Tibet. Expeditions trek to the Rongbuk Glacier, setting up Base Camp at 5,180 m (17,000 ft) on a gravel plain just below the glacier. To reach Camp II, climbers ascend the medial moraine of the east Rongbuk Glacier up to the base of Changtse at around 6,100 m (20,000 ft). Camp III (ABC - Advanced Base Camp) is situated below the North Col at 6,500 m (21,300 ft). To reach Camp IV on the north col, climbers ascend the glacier to the foot of the col where fixed ropes are used to reach the North Col at 7,010 m (23,000 ft). From the North Col, climbers ascend the rocky north ridge to set up Camp V at around 7,775 m (25,500 ft). The route goes up the north face through a series of gullies and steepens into downsloping slabby terrain before reaching the site of Camp VI at 8,230 m (27,000 ft). From Camp VI, climbers will make their final summit push. Climbers must first make their way through three rock bands known as First Step: 27,890 feet - 28,00 feet, Second Step: 28,140 feet - 28,300 feet, and Third Step: 28,510 feet - 28,870 feet. Once above these steps, the final summit slopes (50 to 60 degrees) to the top.


       Mount Everest as seen from the Rongbuk Monastery.Main article: Timeline of climbing Mount Everest

       Early expeditions

       On June 8, 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine, both of the United Kingdom, made an attempt on the summit via the north col/north ridge route from which they never returned.

       In 1999, the Mallory and Irvine Research Expedition found Mallory's body in the predicted search area near the old Chinese camp. Controversy has raged in the mountaineering community as to whether the duo may have summited 29 years before the confirmed ascent (and of course, safe descent) of Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953. The general consensus among climbers has been that they did not, though recent findings may indicate otherwise.

       Mallory had gone on a speaking tour of the United States the year before in 1923; it was then that he exasperatedly gave the famous reply, "Because it is there," to a New York journalist in response to hearing the question, "Why climb Everest?" for seemingly the thousandth time. Comprehensive information is available at Mallory and Irvine: The Final Chapter including critical opposing viewpoints.

       In 1933, Lady Houston, a British millionaire ex-showgirl, funded the Houston Everest Flight of 1933, which saw a formation of airplanes led by the Marquess of Clydesdale fly over the summit in an effort to deploy the British Union Jack flag at the top.

       Early expeditions ascended the mountain from Tibet, via the north face. However, this access was closed to western expeditions in 1950, after the Chinese reasserted control over Tibet. However, in 1950, Bill Tilman and a small party which included Charles Houston, Oscar Houston and Betsy Cowles undertook an exploratory expedition to Everest through Nepal along the route which has now become the standard approach to Everest from the south.

       First successful ascent by Tenzing and Hillary

       In 1953, a ninth British expedition, led by John Hunt, returned to Nepal. Hunt selected two climbing pairs to attempt to reach the summit. The first pair (Tom Bourdillon and Charles Evans) came within 300 feet of the summit on 26 May, but turned back after becoming exhausted. The next day, the expedition made its second and final assault on the summit with its second climbing pair. The summit was eventually reached at 11:30 am local time on May 29, 1953 by the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay from Nepal climbing the South Col Route. At the time, both acknowledged it as a team effort by the whole expedition, but Tenzing revealed a few years later that Hillary had put his foot on the summit first. They paused at the summit to take photographs and buried a few sweets and a small cross in the snow before descending. News of the expedition's success reached London on the morning of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation. Returning to Kathmandu a few days later, Hillary and Hunt discovered that they had been promptly knighted for their efforts.

       1996 disaster

       During the 1996 climbing season, fifteen people died trying to reach the summit, making it the deadliest single year in Everest history. The disaster gained wide publicity and raised questions about the commercialization of Everest.

       Journalist Jon Krakauer, on assignment from Outside magazine, was in one of the affected parties, and afterwards published the bestseller Into Thin Air which related his experience. Anatoli Boukreev, a guide who felt impugned by Krakauer's book, co-authored a rebuttal book called The Climb. The dispute sparked a large debate within the climbing community. In May 2004, Kent Moore, a physicist, and John L. Semple, a surgeon, both researchers from the University of Toronto, told New Scientist magazine that an analysis of weather conditions on that day suggested that freak weather caused oxygen levels to plunge by around 14%[14][15].

       The storm's impact on climbers on the mountain's other side, the North Ridge, where several climbers also died, was detailed in a first hand account by British filmmaker and writer Matt Dickinson in his book The Other Side of Everest.

       2003 - 50th Anniversary of First Ascent

       2003 marked the 50th anniversary of the first ascent, and a record number of teams, including some very distinguished climbers, climbed or attempted to climb the mountain.

       2005 - Helicopter landing

       On 14 May 2005, pilot Didier Delsalle of France landed a Eurocopter AS 350 B3 Helicopter on the summit of Mount Everest[16] and remained there for two minutes. (His rotors were continually engaged; this is known as a "hover landing".) His subsequent take-off set the world record for highest take-off of a rotorcraft — a record that of course cannot be beaten.[17] Delsalle had also performed a take-off two days earlier from the South Col, leading to some confusion in the press about the validity of the summit cl


       鼓励 [gǔlì] arouse buoy cheer on encourage hearten imbolden reanimate 汉英词典 鼓励 [gǔ lì] encourage;incite 热情鼓励 warmly encourage; 鼓励孩子学习 encourage a boy in his study 用法 鼓励, 勉励 [miǎn lì], 激励 [jī lì], 鼓舞 [gǔ wǔ]: 它们都有“劝勉、激励上进”的意思。 “鼓励”侧重在“激发对象的积极性, 使其感奋行动起来”, 一般用于对别人, 是中性词, 老师 鼓励 大家学习英语。 Our teacher encouraged us to learn English. 勉励”侧重在督促、劝勉而使受到鼓舞, 一般用于上对下, 既可以用于对别人, 也可以用于对自己, 是褒义词, 他 鼓励 学生在绘画上不断创新, 取得更好的成绩。 He encouraged his students to constantly bring forth new ideas in painting and to obtain even better results. 激励”着重在“精神上的勉励”, 施动者可以是人, 也可以是某种行为事迹或精神品质, 这次战斗的胜利大大鼓励了军队士气。 This victory has greatly boosted the army's morale. 鼓舞”侧重指“受到某种事情或言行的影响, 从而积极奋发起来”, 令人 鼓励 的胜利消息不断传来。 Heartening reports of victories are pouring in. 鼓励, 怂恿 [sǒng yǒng]: 见“怂恿”。 Google 词义搜索 encourage 隐藏摘要 鼓励 摘要 ... 的確定我的看法是代表你正在與他人分享你的看法除此之外沒有其它的意思分享過程中 - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 encouragement 隐藏摘要 鼓励 摘要 Alpine Camp野营训练最重要的一个特征就是大量的Team Work团队合作通过大量的集体活动 - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 foster 隐藏摘要 鼓励 摘要 foster v养育培养 鼓励 报希望n抚养者 鼓励 者disseminate v散布 realistic adj现实主义 - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 inspire 隐藏摘要 鼓励 摘要 pupae 蛹, rapid 急速的, rubbery 有弹性的, inspire 鼓励 . species 种类, Mummies - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消 encouraged 隐藏摘要 鼓励 摘要 ... with不好的儿童很可能导致他在学习academically上的落后和更高的退学率特别是低 - 相关网页 评价: 该结果不好。 确认 取消该结果很好。 确认 取消

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       --尾柱 --






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































       sausage bassoon


       double-reed mouthpiece


       double horn












































       ascending valve































































































































































       --sausage bassoon--

       sausage bassoon
































       discontinue cadence




       tenor drum




























































































































































































































       1 爱的代价(张艾嘉) 2 爱就一个字(张信哲) 3 爱情的故事(方季惟) 4 爱我的人和我爱的人(裘海正) 5 爱相随(周华健)

       6 爱一回伤一回(游鸿明) 7 安妮(王杰) 8 暗香(沙宝亮) 9 把悲伤留给自己(陈升) 10 被遗忘的时光(蔡琴)

       11 边走边爱(谢霆锋) 12 不了情(徐小凤) 13 沉默是金(张国荣) 14 痴心绝对(李圣杰) 15 出塞曲(蔡琴)

       16 穿过你的黑发的我的手(罗大佑) 17 大地(beyond) 18 大海(张雨生) 19 大约在冬季(齐秦) 20 东风破(周杰伦)

       21 懂你(满文军) 22 读你(费翔) 23 非同寻常(陆毅) 24 风继续吹(张国荣) 25 风铃(周惠)

       26 风中的承诺(李翎君) 27 孤枕难眠(周华健) 28 光辉岁月(BEYOND) 29 光阴的故事(罗大佑) 30 寄给你一朵玫瑰(小刚)

       31 来生缘(刘德华) 32 离别(阿杜) 33 龙卷风(周杰伦) 34 旅程(羽泉) 35 你爱不爱我(零点乐队)

       36 你不会了解(谢霆锋) 37 你的眼神(蔡琴) 38 你怎么舍得我难过(黄品源) 39 其实你不懂我的心(童安格) 40 恰似你的温柔(邓丽君)

       41 千千阙歌(陈慧娴) 42 牵手(苏芮) 43 情网(张学友) 44 让我一次爱个够(庚澄庆) 45 容易受伤的女人(王菲)

       46 如果有一天(刘德华) 47 如果云知道(许如云) 48 伤痕(林忆莲) 49 是否(苏芮) 50 谁的眼泪在飞(孟庭苇)

       51 水中花(谭咏麟) 52 撕夜(阿杜) 53 似是故人来(梅艳芳) 54 他一定很爱你(阿杜) 55 天天看到你(阿杜)

       56 甜蜜蜜(邓丽君) 57 忘不了(童安格) 58 味道(辛晓琪) 59 吻别(张学友) 60 我的心好乱(赵传)

       61 我悄悄地蒙上你的眼睛 62 我是不是该安静地走开(郭富城) 63 我是不是你最疼爱的人(潘越云) 64 我是一只小小鸟(赵传) 65 我相信 《我的野蛮女友》主题曲(孙楠)

       66 我这个你不爱的人(迪克牛仔) 67 我只在乎你(邓丽君) 68 我终于失去了你 69 无地自容(黑豹) 70 乡间小路

       71 想你的时候(千百惠) 72 心如刀割(张学友) 73 心手相连(谭咏麟) 74 心太软(任贤齐) 75 新长征路上的摇滚(崔健)

       76 星星点灯(郑智化) 77 幸福的瞬间(许昭洋) 78 烟火的季节(F4) 79 野百合也有春天(罗大佑) 80 一场游戏一场梦(王杰)

       81 一个人的精彩(萧亚轩) 82 一生何求(陈百强) 83 一生一次(谭咏麟) 84 一无所有(崔健) 85 一言难尽(张宇)

       86 驿动的心(姜育恒) 87 雨蝶 李翊君 88 原来你什么都不要(张惠妹) 89 缘分的天空(孙楠) 90 月亮代表我的心(邓丽君)

       91 在他乡(水木年华) 92 在我生命中的每一天(成龙 陈淑桦) 93 找一个字代替(邰正宵) 94 真的爱你(BEYOND) 95 真的好想你(周冰倩)

       96 真心英雄(群星) 97 执著(田震) 98 只有我(F4) 99 最浪漫的事(赵咏华) 100 ANDY(阿杜)


       ① Mariah Carey (拥有16首Billboard冠军单曲的流行天后,仅次于披头士和猫王,音域可跨5个八度,唱功一流!)

       We Belong Together(2005年最新Billboard冠军单曲)

       One Sweet Day(与Boy II Men合作创造了连续16周Billboard冠军的奇迹)


       With out you(经典代表作)

       ② Whitney Houston (声音饱满雄厚,同样音域可跨5个八度,唱功一流!)

       When You Believe (与Mariah Carey的经典合唱,奥斯卡最佳**歌曲)

       I Will Always Love You (《保镖》经典主题曲)

       If i told you that

       ③ Christina Aguilera (声音急具爆发力,唱功很棒!)



       Genie In A Bottle


       ④ Shania Twain (加拿大著名乡村天后,不仅外貌美的脱俗,嗓音也很甜美)

       You're Still the One

       I'm Gonna Getcha Good!

       ⑤ Alicia Keys (灵魂乐小天后,创作才华一流,钢琴也弹得不错)

       You don't know my name


       A Woman's Worth

       ⑥ Dido (英伦美声天后,她的歌很有韵味)

       White Flag

       Thank you

       ⑦ Madonna (乐坛大姐大!麦当劳的“亲戚”)

       Die Another Day(007主题曲)

       You must love me

       ⑧ Beyonce (性感的巧克力美人,有一定创作能力)

       Crazy In Love

       Brown Eyes(S.H.E原曲)

       ⑨ Avril Lavigne (加拿大朋克摇滚歌手,个性十足,有一定创作能力)


       Anything but ordinary


       ⑩ Lene Marlin (一位创作型女歌手!嗓音很甜美,音乐很纯净!)

       Sitting down here(林忆莲《我坐在这里》英文原曲)

       Another day

       Unforgivable Sinner

       ⑾ Celine Dion (凭借《泰坦尼克号》主题曲迅速成为流行天后,唱功很棒)

       Because You Loved Me

       The power of Love

       ⑿ Sarah Brightman (跨界天籁美声天后,游走于流行、美声、歌剧艺术之间)

       Time to say goodbye (与盲人歌手Andrea Bocelli合唱的经典歌曲,张惠妹也曾翻唱过这首歌)

       There for me(与Josh Groban 现场合唱版)

       All i ask of you

       Just show me how to love you


       ① Ronan Keating (原Boyzone(男孩地带)主唱,嗓音很有磁性!)

       First time

       She believes(in me)

       二 50 Cent (美国当红Hip-Pop/Rap黑人歌手,其2005年新专辑在美国上半年销量第一)

       In Da Club

       Candy Shop

       Just A Lil Bit

       ③ Robbie Williams (原Take That组合成员,单飞后更加成功,成为欧洲的流行天王)

       Better Man (林忆莲翻唱过这首歌)

       Singing For The Lonely

       ④ Craig David (英国R&B小天王,真假声转换自如)


       7 Days

       Walking Away

       ⑤ Gareth Gates (英国近两年比较红的男歌手,擅长演绎抒情歌曲)

       nyone of us

       ⑥ Usher (亚瑟小子是美国目前最当红的男艺人,创作才能?/ca>



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        Original link: Alpine, Slim, Stretch, Buster, Jessie, Bullseye — What are the Differences in Docker Images?

        If you are like me, the first time you went to create a Dockerfile and had to choose an image from the DockerHub page, you were thoroughly confused. Sometimes choices like this can freeze us up from acting, so maybe we just go with the standard image and avoid looking into it further, so that we can move forward with our project.

        But it’s a good idea to understand the differences between the types of Docker images so that you choose the right one for your application or script.

        In short, the difference between docker images is the underlying operating system. Here is a summary of each.

        And be aware that this decision is not permanent. You can always change the image in your Dockerfile and rebuild your images. Just be sure to test thoroughly before deploying to production.

        I’ll use python and node as examples because these are my most used docker images, but this applies to any image. According to DockerHub, this is the de-facto image and the one you should use if you are unsure.



        These images are based on the most recent stable Debian operating system release. I usually start with one of these when trying to get a project up and running quickly, and I am not yet concerned about the size of the resulting image.

        The full image is the safest choice.

        Images tagged with stretch, buster, or jessie are codenames for different Debian releases . At the time of this writing, the stable Debian release is 10.4, and its codename is “Buster.” “Stretch” was the codename for all version 9 variations, and “Jessie” was the codename for all version 8 variations.

        Future versions in development, but not yet stable, are “Bullseye” and “Bookworm.” You may start seeing these tags in the list of image versions on DockerHub.

        Choose one of these images if your code is compatible with a specific version of the Debian operating system. You rarely will need to use older versions of Debian when starting a new project.

        The slim image is a paired down version of the full image. This image generally only installs the minimal packages needed to run your particular tool. In the case of python, that’s the minimum packages to run python and the same for node.js.

        By leaving out lesser-used tools, the image is smaller. Use this image if you have space constraints and do not need the full version.

        But be sure to test thoroughly when using this image! If you run into unexplained errors, try switching to the full image and see if that resolves it.

        Alpine images are based on the Alpine Linux Project , which is an operating system that was built specifically for use inside of containers. For a long time, these were the most popular image variations due to their tiny size.

        However, some teams are moving away from alpine because these images can cause compatibility issues that are hard to debug. Specifically, if using python images, some wheels are built to be compatible with Debian and will need to be recompiled to work with an Apline-based image.

        The main reason to use an Alpine image is to make your resulting image as small as possible. The base image will be smaller than 5MB. The python base image (adding python to the base alpine image) is currently 78.9MB. That’s still very small.

        This image is the most highly recommended if space is a concern.

        The disadvantage is that it does not contain some packages that you might need. Mainly, it uses a slimmer musl lib instead of glibc . You may run into issues if your application has specific libc requirements.

        If you find the Alpine image is lacking in something you need, you can always install it directly in your Dockerfile. This keeps the image to only what you need. Be aware that your Dockerfile will change if you are installing external packages. The main difference is that you will use apk instead of apt-get to install packages.

        There have been concerns regarding -alpine images, so you need to be aware of them. Read about some of them here and here and do your own research. Again, if you are experiencing an unexplained issue in building your Dockerfile, try switching to the full image to see if that cures it.

        I rarely use windows, I am firmly in the Mac / Linux camp now, but if your application runs only on Windows or Windows Server, this is the image for you.

        Here are some general guidelines I use:

        If you want to inspect docker images yourself and compare, try this.

        You will see there are vast differences between de-facto images and -slim and -alpine versions.

        Don’t ever use <image>:latest in a production Dockerfile. Doing this will always pull the latest image, and your application’s dependencies may not be compatible with future versions.

        When starting a new project, I generally start with the most recent tagged version, test thoroughly and then upgrade as needed and test thoroughly before pushing to production.




        1.阿尔卑斯穿越路线慕尼黑至威尼斯(ALPINE TRAVERSE MUNICH TO VENICE)


        从慕尼黑到亚德里亚海途中的美景包括:卡文德尔山脉(Karwendel)壮观的石灰岩峭壁、图克斯阿尔卑斯山脉(Tuxer Alps)令人屏息的冰河景观,以及多洛米提山脉(Dolomites)奇特的岩层构造。徒步穿越阿尔卑斯山,会有看不完的高山全景,毕生难忘。




        2.意大利多洛米提ALTA VIA 1(DOLOMITES ALTA VIA 1)

        这条位于南阿尔卑斯山脉的经典长程步道,是阿尔卑斯穿越路线(Alpine Traverse)之外另一个很棒的选择,它不只是一条多日的全程徒步路线这么简单。郁郁葱葱的高山草原点缀着壮丽的石造城堡和教堂——多洛米提山(the Dolomites)的魅力如此鲜明对比。这里是**《绝岭雄风》(Cliffhanger)的拍摄地点,也是Luis Trenker开创“高山**”的地方。多洛米提Alta Via 1沿线景点美不胜收,更有丰富的文化特色。这条步道穿过多洛米提东部的中心地区,已有超过五十年的 历史 。

        阿尔卑斯山的珍珠座落于阿尔卑斯山最美的长城步道之一:布拉耶斯湖(Lago di Braies)是名列世界遗产的多洛米提山脉的一部分。

        留宿点:Lavarella和Fanes山屋是多洛米提Alta Via 1步道上最棒的留宿点。


        步道起点为布拉耶斯湖(Lago di Braies),这座湖泊是名列世界遗产的多洛米提山脉的一部分,也是由Terence Hill主演的意大利热门连续剧《离天堂一步》的拍摄地点。名山如法内斯山脉(Fanes Group)、五塔山(Cinque Torri)、托法内山(Tofana),都是这条步道上的主要景点,亦有无数旁分的小径可以观峰。从这里可以眺望Marmolada冰川的梦幻景观,也有纪念第一次世界大战期间战死山区士兵的纪念碑和博物馆,战争所留下的伤痕不仅烙印在山上,也在人们心中。部分路段需要非常稳健的脚步,同时不惧高,才能顺利通行。

        除了Alta Via 1,多洛米提另有九条高山路线,部分需要仰赖登山技巧才能通行。

        3.勃朗峰环线(TOUR DU MONT BLANC)

        勃朗峰山脉(Mont Blanc Massif)——阿尔卑斯山脉的最高点,登山运动的发源地。这条全长170公里、多天数的高阶徒步步道,环绕着阿尔卑斯山脉最高峰而行,途中包含大量的垂直移动高度。这座高4,810米的山峰吸引世界各地的登山爱好者前来朝圣。想要观赏白皑皑的冰雪和岩块,没有比山脚这条可将全景尽收眼底的环线更好的地方了。



        彷佛置身新西兰:勃朗峰环线ㄧ 一次奇特的经验。

        无论大乔拉斯峰(Grandes Jorasses)和葛瓦苏提石柱(Gervasutti Pillar)的冰塔、花岗岩壁和裸露岩石有多么狂暴危险,勃朗峰环线完全不是如此:这些山径穿过由法国、意大利和瑞士构成的三角地带,途中标示清楚、维护完善。








        国王小径是个风光明媚的瑞典景点。最热门的路段是北起Abisko南至Hemavan的北部区段。Kungsleden字面意义是国王小径(King’s Trail),是欧洲最著名的长程步道之一,完全不负其王者美名。即使是长程徒步的新手,只要做好防风防雨的准备,也很适合走这条步道。尽管这里是日不落的大地,仲夏未必时时阳光普照,强风和滂沱大雨并不罕见。不过,至少沿线没有陡峭的攀登路段。





        6.英国彭布罗克郡海岸小径(PEMBROKESHIRE COAST PATH)

        不一定要到世界最高山脉如阿尔卑斯山、安第斯山或喜马拉雅山,才能从事长程徒步,海边也可以。位于英国威尔斯西岸、全长300公里的彭布罗克郡海岸小径(Pembrokeshire Coast Path),是全世界最迷人的海岸步道之一,天然的海崖,无尽的沙滩、沙丘,稀有的海鸟、海豹、海豚——这里应有尽有。


        朝圣点:圣农恩教堂(St. Non's Chapel)


        这条路线位于南部的Amroth和北部卡迪根湾(Cardigan Bay)的St Dogmaels之间,沿途美景令人叹为观止。要是你以为滨海意味着地势平坦,可要三思了。这条长程步道足足有8,500米的爬升落差,一边走可以一边呼吸有益 健康 的海边空气。



        有的长程徒步路线带领徒步者深入大自然,仅在沿途少数几个补给站让他们脱离自然。位于新西兰的TE ARAROA步道可不一样。在这条位于世界另一端的长程步道上,你会接触到当地居民、目睹野生动物,体验苍郁的热带森林、阿尔卑斯规模的山脉、闷烧中的火山,还有间歇泉和白沙滩,真真正正认识这个国家和人民。

        炽热难耐:Te Araroa步道沿途的火山仍处活动模式,非休眠状态。



        这条总长3000公里的步道始于北部的雷恩加角(Cape Reinga),终于新西兰南端,沿路设有路标和标示,但是部分路段需要很好的户外生活经验,也要有应变能力。这条路线涵盖了知名的新西兰步道,行经的地区在一般徒步指南中很少介绍。

        8.尼泊尔安纳普尔纳环线(ANNAPURNA CIRCUIT)

        安纳普尔纳环线(Annapurna Circuit)被视为全世界最壮观的徒步步道之一,背景是覆雪的喜马拉雅山峰映衬着步道,雄伟壮丽。这条举世闻名、高度热门(淡旺季有所不同)的步道,环绕着8,091米高的安纳普尔纳群峰(Annapurna Massif)而行,蜿蜒穿过宽阔的喜马拉雅山谷,沿途美景令人叹为观止。



        不限于极限登山人士:安纳普尔纳大本营(Annapurna Basecamp)是这条喜马拉雅山步道上的重点之一。

        这条长度亲民的长程步道从一开始就经过几乎所有气候型态。步道的最高点位于Thorung La隘口,高度5,416米,沿途有许多住宿和餐馆的选择,补给或行李需求容易解决。走此步道需申请许可证,可不带帐篷。建议出发前花点时间适应环境,以便好好享受徒步的乐趣,避免发生高山症。初级者可以选择跟团,有许多单位提供商业服务。

        9.不丹雪人小径(SNOWMAN TREK)

        不丹,一个隐藏于喜马拉雅山脉的国度,这里将实现国民的幸福定为国家目标(国民幸福总值:Gross National Happiness, GNH)。然而有的时候,这样的幸福必须辛苦得来。在雪人小径(Snowman Trek)上,徒步者必须穿过十三个隘口,来到5,400米的高处。雪人小径被视为世界上最艰难的长程步道之一——也绝对是最令人深深着迷的步道之一。好的体力和应变能力是必备,而你所获得的回报,将是毕生难忘的美景、与人们的交流,以及与世隔绝的美好。




        10.美国太平洋屋脊步道(PACIFIC CREST TRAIL)


        全长4,265公里、景色多变的太平洋屋脊步道之所以闻名于世,主要是因为Cheryl Strayed所写的《那时候,我只剩下勇敢》(Wild)一书和同名**。**由Reese Witherspoon主演。Strayed描述作为一个天真的全程徒步新手,在经历吸毒、不当的性剥削和离婚,人生陷入一片混乱后,她是如何浴火重生,在步道上找回内在的平静。


        惊叹不已:太平洋屋脊步道北段喀斯喀特山脉(Cascade Mountains)的火山景观。

        绵延不绝:在这条步道上,你逃脱不了内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada)的魔力。

        这条路线标示完善,虽然需要一点户外技巧,但是新手仍然做得到。步道通过加州、奥勒岗州和华盛顿州,始于太平洋上的墨西哥边界,穿过内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada)和喀斯喀特山脉(Cascade Mountains),直达加拿大边界。

        这条长程徒步路线是由一名女性所发想出来的。早在1926年时,Catherine Montgomery就提出了“穿越西部山脉各高峰的高海拔徒步步道”这个想法。自那时起,她就被誉为太平洋屋脊步道之母。

        11.美国阿帕拉契山径(APPALACHIAN TRAIL)

        太平洋屋脊步道位于美国西部,而阿帕拉契山径则位于东部。3,500公里的距离共经过十四个州,是 历史 悠久的长程徒步步道。自从林学家暨环保人士Benton MacKaye着手建立穿越阿帕拉契山脉的步道网开始,它已有整整百年的 历史 ,尽管部分山峰高达2000米——包含容易攀登的路段——阿帕拉契山脉却很类似欧洲一些较矮的山脉,只不过人烟更稀少。


        卡塔丁山(Mount Katahdin)的最高峰巴克斯特峰(Baxter Peak)标志着步道终点。

        这是一条非常热门的全程徒步路线,因为**《别跟山过不去》(A Walk in the Woods)而成名,这部**由Robert Redford 和Nick Nolte主演。不过,由于步道沿线多为林荫,对于喜欢观赏壮丽山峦全景的人,恐怕难以值回票价。


        巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)是许多徒步爱好者的梦想之地。Huella Andina小径经过此区北部,这里有类似阿尔卑斯山的山脉,有火山和波光粼粼的湖泊,部分地方是森林茂密的山谷,现在政府已经不再出钱维护这条步道了。

        充满魔力:Nahuel Huapi国家公园内Toncek潟湖(Laguna Toncek)的湖畔露宿点,是Huella Andina步道上的重点之一。

        也因为如此,这条路线虽然还在,但是部分地区已经杂草丛生,也不再全程都有路标。步道起点为北部Moquehue湖(Lago Moquehue)附近的Pehuenia,经过Bariloche和El Bolson,一直到Epuyén湖(Lago Epuyén)的Patriada港(Puerto Patriada)。绵长的步道遍布着风光明媚的景点,宛如一串珍珠。沿着步道南行会经过五座国家公园:Lanin、Nahuel Huapi、Los Arrayanes、Lago Puelo和Los Alerces。对于经验丰富的探险家而言,这里简直是梦想成真。

       今天关于“alpine camp”的讨论就到这里了。希望通过今天的讲解,您能对这个主题有更深入的理解。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。我将竭诚为您服务。