concept bike

       大家好,今天我想和大家谈谈我对“concept bike”的一些看法。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。

1.concept bike


concept bike

concept bike









       Concept Bike 是指概念摩托车


       About MTB


       Sha is a mountain bike? Mountain bike is designed for off-road (hills, trails, fields and sand Gravel Road, etc.) designed for bicycle travel, in 1977 was born in San Francisco, U.S. West Coast. At that time, a group keen to ride the beach bike young people play in the hillside, whim: "If I can bike speeding down the hill would be very interesting." So began the design and manufacture of off-road bike. Officially named MTB is the thing in two years. Since then, the "competitive downhill" as the sports and reveal a new project in the first leg. Athletes downhill mountain biking along the lines provided for high-speed downhill, fast is the winner, attracted a lot of fans.

       Although the bike started in Europe, but Americans invented the mountain bike has swept away the traditional concept bike, the surge of new wind all over the world.

       Origin of cross-country mountain sports car ..... mountain bike (Morntain Bike) originated in the mid 70s in California, when two single fans Greig (C. Kelly) and Fisher (G. Fisher) that the bicycle should not be trapped in the flat on the road, they want to have conquered wheeled mountain one day. Then they hammered improve cycling machine, and finally invented the first mountain bike. Today, the mountain bike innovation in science and technology continue to evolve, more and more elegant than the use of materials outside the body, also added some new types of electronic auxiliary systems, such as electronic gear system allows drivers to touch of a button, means free file conversion . Reality, mountain bike, not only in popularity around the world, where the younger generation have become a fashion fad, the more fanatical group of more to join a professional driver in the world were held in the large and small professional race Grand Prix week. In the ranks of professional drivers, and there is no gender discrimination, both men and women are welcome to compete for the Cavaliers.

       Categories mountain bike mountain bike sport event divided into three projects: Downhill (Downhill Event) and double bend (Dual Slalom) with the same name as the project is very similar to skiing competition - former drivers were sliding down a downhill race Road and then calculate the shortest time to complete is the winner. The latter is the two drivers tied for the downhill trail at the same time the two downhill, moving side to side leap Z shaped slope, the first to reach the winner. The Cross Country (Cross-Country) suggests that it is in the field of natural environment, the schedule length is usually about 16-24 km, which contained less than 1 / 4 of the track is without any manual repair. The trick is just right for all games were established along the track, to avoid unnecessary long way to walk.

       Other cycling cycling divided into the following categories the project: Road Bike (road bike) road race and track race is divided into two projects. Mountain Bike (MTB) into (Cross Country) Cross, (DownHill) downhill Race and the (Dual Slalom) double bend race BMX (20-inch BMX) into (BMX) BMX street riding, mud racing, and climbing car, which also points BMX bike climbing climbing climbing and climbing ordinary car (they can perform in a similar rock climbing).

       The following is a description of sport climbing vehicle: bicycle climbing (TRIAL) is a sport, a bit like the familiar mountain bike movement. It is dedicated to riding the bike to climb rocks and obstacles. This movement also has some ornamental. If you have a chance to witness performances Trial, you will not believe your eyes. TRIAL bikes are divided into two, one large climb car, is 26-inch. It has to support the market before the tooth plate, and the smaller chainring, which is a hydraulic brake, the brake lines to be stable than more. Second, a small climbing car, it also has similarities in the BMX, 20 inch. Its deep tire tread surface, grip is very good. At present there are better MONTY, CT, PEOGEOT, BEATLES brands.

       好了,今天关于“concept bike”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“concept bike”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。