pilots_pilots N paws


1.机器人的英语怎么说 机器人的英语例句

2.aviator与 pilot的区别

3.英语Let alone a pilot怎么翻译?

4.英语China’s largest pilot怎么翻译?

pilots_pilots N paws

机器人的英语怎么说 机器人的英语例句

       一、机器人用英语怎么写 robot英 [?rb?t] 美 [?ro?bɑt]


        1. Most mobile robots are still in the design stage.


        2. The robots have been on trial for the past year.


        3. These cars are built by robots.


        4. In the story human beings were replaced by robots.


        5. They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.


        6. Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk.


        7. Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.


        8. She worked like a robot.


        9. These robots are capable of shape discrimination.


        10. The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.


        11. Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.


        12. What's coming next are robots that do the actual cutting.


        13. " Aesop, move right, " Colvin says, and the robot obeys.

        “ 伊索, 向右移动, ” 科尔文说.结果, 这架机器人就遵从命令移动.

        14. Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself?


        15. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.



        1. They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.


        2. They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.


        3. She worked like a robot.


        4. The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.


        5. " Aesop, move right, " Colvin says, and the robot obeys.

        “ 伊索, 向右移动, ” 科尔文说.结果, 这架机器人就遵从命令移动.

        6. Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself?


        7. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.


        8. This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.


        9. The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps.


        10. Construct a flow chart to make a robot cross a road.


        11. And the long - promised home robot?

        还有那预告已久的家庭机器人 呢 ?

        12. I often hear tell of a so - called robot.

        我常常听到人们说 所谓 机器人的事.

        13. In November, Canadian surgeons used a robot named Zeus to do single bypass surgery.

        11月份, 加拿大外科医生利用一台名叫宙斯的机器人,做了单旁路外科手术.

        14. At least one American firm has designed an armed security robot capable of firing a weapon.


        15. The robot orderly, for example, can deliver meals and Pscriptions; It'still can't make the bed.

        以机器人勤杂工为例, 它能够送饭和药方, 但是还不会铺床. 一、机器人的英语怎么说 机器人的英语是什么 二、机器人的英语怎么说怎么写 三、机器人工程专业毕业后干什么工作(未来就业前景分析) 四、工业机器人技术专业毕业后干什么工作(未来就业前景分析) 五、学工业机器人技术专业毕业后可以从事什么工作,有前途吗 六、工业机器人技术专业就业前景分析 就业方向有哪些 七、工业机器人技术专业学什么(附学习科目和课程) 八、工业机器人技术专业比较好的大学有哪些(专业大学排名) 九、学海洋机器人专业毕业后可以从事什么工作,有前途吗 十、海洋机器人专业就业前景分析 就业方向有哪些

aviator与 pilot的区别



       n.飞行员; 引航员; 向导; [机械学]导向器(或轴);

       vt.驾驶; 试验; 试点; 为(船舶)引航(或操舵);

       adj.试验性的; 导向的; 驾驶员的; 辅助的;




英语Let alone a pilot怎么翻译?

       An aviator is a person who flies aircraft for pleasure or as a profession. The first recorded use of the term was in 1887 as a variation of the French 'aviation', from the latin 'avis', coined 1863 by G. de la Landelle in "Aviation ou Navigation Aérienne".

       简译aviator 是指驾驶飞机进行表演或以之为业的人,最初使用是1887年法语aviation

       The term is often applied to pilots, but is often extended to include air navigators, bombardiers, Weapon Systems Officers, and electronic warfare Officers. This should not be confused with the term naval aviator, which refers crew members in the United States Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.

       aviator常用来指 pilot, 但也经常指飞行导航员,轰炸机投弹手,武器系统主管和电子战军官。

       There are also such minor aviation characters as wing-walkers who take part in aerobatic display sequences.

       The term aviator (as opposed to "pilot" or other terms) was used more in the early days of aviation, before anyone had ever seen an airplane fly, and it had connotations of bravery and adventure. For example, the editors at the Dayton Herald, in an article of December 18, 1903 described the Wright Brothers' first airplane thus: "The weight, including the body of the aviator, is slightly over 700 pounds".


       To ensure the safety of people in the air as well as on the ground, it soon became a requirement for an aircraft to be under the operational control of a properly trained, certified and current pilot at all times, who is responsible for the safe and legal completion of the flight. The first certificate was delivered by the Aero Club de France to Louis Blériot in 1908, followed by Glenn Curtiss, Leon Delagrange, and Robert Esnault-Pelterie. The absolute authority given to the Pilot in Command is derived from that of a ship’s captain.[citation needed]

       Beverly Lynn Burns, first woman in the world to captain the Boeing 747 airliner

       为确保机上和地面人员的安全,在飞行的各个环节都要由训练有素和具有航空资质的pilot控制。第一个航空资质证书是由 Aero Club de France在1908年颁发给Louis Blériot。

       In recognition of the aviators' qualifications and responsibilities, most militaries and many airlines around the world award aviator badges to their pilots as well as other air crews.


       As of 2006, just over 6% of certified civilian pilots (both private and commercial) in the U.S. were women.[1]


       由上可看出: avator较pilot更有传统,更有专业和权威性

英语China’s largest pilot怎么翻译?

       Let alone a pilot可以翻译为“更不用说飞行员了。”


       adj. 独自的;单独的;孤独的,无依无靠的;唯一的

       adv. 独自,单独;独力,单干(地);单,只;仅仅……就


       I live alone?我独自生活 ; 我一个人住 ; 人生活 ; 我单独一人生活

       You Are Not Alone?你不孤独 ; 你并不孤单 ; 你并不孤独 ; 永远相伴

       Alone in the World?孤独于世 ; 孤独的世界?




       They?were convicted?on?forensic?evidence?alone.?


       If?a?woman makes?a?decision to?have?a child?alone,?she?should?bear?that?responsibility?alone.?


       英语China’s largest pilot翻译成中文意思是“中国最大的飞行员”。


















       retire pilot?使飞行员退役

       reward pilot?奖赏飞行员

       shoot down pilot?打下飞行员

       train pilot?训练飞行员

       drop pilot?让领港员下船

       take on pilot?接领港员上船


















