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       ·Based on the true story of one extraordinary man's life in occupied Warsaw during World War II, The Pianist marks the first time Roman Polanski has tackled the subject of The Holocaust, a historical event which directly affected his own life. This captivating, harrowing yet unsentimental account has plenty for movie fans, music lovers and the historically involved.

       While giving a recital of Chopin's Nocturne in C# Minor for Polish radio in Warsaw, Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody) is interrupted by Hitler's advancing military machine. As the civilised society inhabited by Szpilman and his Jewish family graphically begins to fall apart, Szpilman relies ever more on luck to see his way through the ghettoisation of the Jews, and the subsequent liquidation of the ghetto. Along the way, exactly who is good and who is evil is questioned as we see, in Polanski's words, "decent Poles and evil Poles, decent and evil Jews, decent and evil Germans".

       From the early indignity of having to wear identification armbands and being barred from bus seats and restaurants, through the confiscation of homes and property to the indiscriminate killing practiced by Nazi officers, The Pianist feels like a personal experience rather than a director's attempt to summarise every fact of the period. It benefits from the approach.

       And as the subject matter would suggest, this film not for the faint-hearted. Scenes of persecution and murder are depicted in chilling detail, while the supporting cast - including Maureen Lipman as Szpilman's mother - are faultless at portraying compelling characters. Brody, however, is the revelation. His cultivated good looks and engaging delivery are more than a little suggestive of Nigel Havers at his best. But after the liquidation of the ghetto, his family's forced departure and Szpilman's escape into the ruined cityscape around him, Brody turns his hand to playing a desperate man with disease-induced injuries and epic quantities of hair. And he's just as convincing - for he never once makes him a heroic figure.

       The role of Chopin's exquisite music is of course paramount in the story. Through the central section of the film, which features little dialogue, Szpilman's long battle simply to stay alive is borne out by the lack of music. In one heartbreaking scene, he is put up in a safe house and finds that a piano has been left in it. Yearning to play it but fearful of discovery, he resorts to "air piano" - his fingers playing the piece an inch above the keyboard. And when, later, he is discovered by a benevolent Nazi commander (Thomas Kretschmann), the reintroduction of music into the film as Szpilman plays literally for his life is as compelling a cinematic event as you'll see all year, and one of the film's most astounding.

       Brody is magnificent throughout in a performance worthy of a slew of awards, and Polanski's direction is at once restrained and personal, making for a film that sits alongside the best accounts of the Holocaust, including Schindler's List. The accurately rendered sets, based around a recreated complex of Warsaw's streets in the Babelsberg Studio, an old Soviet army barracks, a small town in the former East Germany and the rundown Warsaw district of Praga, convey an incredible authenticity. And Anna Sheppard's costumes for the cast of - literally - thousands display a remarkable attention to detail.

       And yet the most astonishing aspect of The Pianist is the story on which it is based, penned by Wladyslaw Szpilman himself. The composer died in 2000, at the age of 88, a few months before production of this film began. Intense, epic and moving, his account of World War II is ultimately one of an ordinary man forced by circumstance to be extraordinary - and helped not a little by Lady Luck. The Pianist is a fitting memorial for the man, his people and the suffering they endured.

       ·The true story of Jewish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman battling to survive the Nazi menace in the Warsaw ghetto of World War II, Polanski here draws on his own experience as a Holocaust survivor; one who witnessed his parents being dragged off to concentration camps and one who himself made a narrow escape.

       The director turned down Steven Spielberg's offer to direct Schindler's List (1993) because, he insists, the material was too personal and too disturbing. The true horror was just more truthful than Roman felt comfortable with.

        Strange, coming from the man who gave the world Rosemary's Baby (1968) and Repulsion (1965).

       Still, his patience paid off: Not counting the fevered Oscar buzz around the picture, the diminutive Hollywood exile picked up the Palme d'Or at last year's Cannes and pretty much swept the board at most other critics' awards. (Famous English playwright and screenwriter Ronald Harwood and lead player Adrien Brody have also been lavished with praise across the global circuit.)

       Although in the main this movie is cool and detached (much as Schindler's most definitely wasn't), Polanski is mindful to show as much compassion as he is the cruelty. There's no clear cut good and evil here: Good Jews mingle and come to blows with bad Jews, just as good and bad Poles are shown suffering the same predicament.

       Care is also taken to show that, maybe, not all the German soldiers were raging psychopaths after all.

       Everything is seen through the eyes of our central character, from the beginnings of his lone struggle to the dramatically intensified latter stages of hunger and total destitution.

       Brody retains balance from start to finish and underplays the role to perfection, at the same time having us fear for his health.

       Great support from, among others, British stalwarts Frank Finlay and Maureen Lipman as his parents add to the overall air of passivity and vulnerability that is finally smashed to smithereens.

       Well worth the hype for once.


       **** New Roman by Pola?ski

       Reviewer: Artur Kalicki from Warsaw, Poland

       I put my signature under the words of Mr. Keizer. However, I do not share the opinion that "The Pianist" is not at the level of "Schindler's List". Though it is rather sure it will not be nominated for Oscar next year.


       Reviewer: Jazzo from Canada

       I suppose that "happy ending", “melodramatic knockout “ or “Nintendo Games” are recipes for Oscar . No wonder, 99% of Hollywood productions just do that. “Though certainly not at the level of "Schindler's List," "The Pianist" is a worthy Holocaust drama and a welcome return to form for Roman Polanski.-Mark Keizer “ That the reason way, Mr. Reviewer. You should have more Kaiser’s buns before doing any movie’s reviews

       ***** The Most Important Movie To The Shoah History

       Reviewer: Hans Werner from Berlin-Germany

       Schindlers List was a story of one German. The Pianist is a story of one Jewish pianist and is a kind of resume of the most important events in the modern history of the world. It is a mistake to put this two movies into one review.


       Reviewer: Mack Sacco from California

       At the end of the movie, not one person in the large audience stood up to leave...something I have never seen in a Polish audience. No one talked...we all just stayed till the last credits disappeared. This movie is honest without being depressing. If you force me to choose between "The Pianist" and "Schindler's List", I would chose the Polansk production, but perhaps we are talking about apples and oranges. I would agree with Hans Werner's statement that "it is a mistake to put this two movies into one review."

       ***** Hollywood Hallucination

       Reviewer: Non-Hollywood Reviewer from Netherlands/South Africa

       Apologies for my biased opinion, but Its really infuriariting to see comments saying that this film is not of the "Schindlers list" standard. Granted - Schindlers List was a skillful piece, fit for hollywood with big name actors and fast-food digestible script and feel. It doesnt come close to the emotive realism, intense artistic sublety and irony of the pianost - a true artwork. As sad a story it was, it was enriching in both a true display of history, art and the human psyche. Personally, the only other film I can think of in this leaugue in this genre is "Life is Beautiful" which although shockingly different in its approach - was layered in the tragedy of truth and the courage of character. Definitely recommend this one.

       *** I Must Disagree

       Reviewer: Anonymous from Anonymous

       Beautifully acted and filmed, the movie provides an accurate chronicle of historical facts, but presents nothing new emotionally, intellectually or historically.

       **** Sad But Real

       Reviewer: Eitan from Israel

       It is good that we have films to remind us of the Holocaust, because it seems that the world is forgetting. It is not Schindler's List, but performed beautifully and delivers the message.

       (none) Oscar for Polanski?

       Reviewer: Kevin from Anonymous

       Maybe he'll come to pick it up in person. Then the cops can finally throw his butt in jail where it belongs. ost?v?Brno)签署了生产合约合作生产。哈力克随后加入了设在布尔诺的捷克国营兵工厂,协助完成了生产蓝图的绘制。产生出来的产品就是布拉格26型轻机枪(lehky?kulomet?praga?vzor?26),样枪于1926年4月经捷克国防部验收合格,同年开始正式量产,定名为布尔诺国营兵工厂26型(Zbrojovka?Brno?vzor?26?即ZB-26)。

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