indifferent_indifferent的中文翻译 _indifferent的中文翻译



2.Indifferent smile中文是什么意思

3.Indifferent listless apathetic 的区别







































Indifferent smile中文是什么意思

       Day 347 morning 2021




        词根词缀:? in- ?否定?+? dif- ?分开?+? -fer- ?携带? , ?拿取?+? -ent ?形容词词尾?→?没有分开拿? , ?没有各执一词?→?既不赞成也不反对?→?冷漠的? , ?不关心的

        They are like that. One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.But certainly, for us who understand life, figures are a matter of indifference. I should have liked to begin this story in the fashion of the fairy-tales. I should have like to say,“Once upon a time, there was a little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely any bigger than himself, and who had need of a sheep.”

Indifferent listless apathetic 的区别


       英[?n?d?fr?nt] 美[?n?d?f?r?nt, -?d?fr?nt]

       adj. 漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的; 中等的;

       [例句]Powerful influences strive today to restore that kind of government with its doctrine that that Government is best which is most indifferent.


       估计这里原句的作者是想要表示“漠不关心”的意思,不过实际上这里却并不应该这么被理解,indifferent 这个词原本是有“无差别”的意思,也就是带有中立的意思,用这个字来形容“漠不关心”还不如用“假笑”来得合适。



       1. 不感兴趣的;不关心的;冷淡的[(+to/toward)]

       I was concentrating so hard that I was indifferent to the noise outside.


       2. 不偏不倚的;中立的

       remain indifferent in a dispute


       3. 不重要的,无关紧要的[(+to)]

       It's quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.


       4. 中等的;一般性的;平庸的[B]

       I'm an indifferent cook.


       5. 不好的,相当差的

       indifferent health


       6. 化物惰性的;中性的

       7. 生不分化的;随遇的



       冷淡的; 无精打彩的, 倦怠的

       与 listless 相关的例句Heat makes some people listless.


       a dull and listless state resulting from weariness.


       be idle in a listless or dreamy way.


       Reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation.


       He makes a listless mistake in answer the question.


       a dispirited and divided Party; reacted to the crisis with listless resignation.


       I feel dizzy [groggy, listless, sore all over, a bit chilly].


       So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.


       After another leg of the journey the donkey became listless, the master again lightened his burden.


       One of the sheep continued listless and inactive for days, but began to perk up this morning.



       a. 缺乏感情的, 无动于衷的, 缺乏兴趣的

       医 无情[感]的, 淡漠的


       having or showing little or no feeling or emotion


       having little or no interest or concern



       apathetic depression Apathetic behaviour apathetic type Apathetic behavior apathetic thyrotoxicosis apathetic dementia apathetic shock apathetic hyperthyroidism Apathetic-akinetic-abulic syndrome

       该解释由词友提供,仅供参考。 免责声明

        与 apathetic 相关的例句They wore apathetic toward the proposal.


       be apathetic, gloomy, or dazed.


       To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner.


       I have become complacent, and as a result, apathetic.


       someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way.


       a woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older.


       He wasn't exactly hostile to facts but he was apathetic about them.


       Not that the people are apathetic, for they are curious about everything.


       He is not exactly hostile to fact but he is apathetic about them.


       an apathetic audience; the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent.




       indifferent的发音为 [?n?d?f?r?nt]。indifferent的意思是漠不关心的,不屑一顾的,冷淡的。它可以表示对某件事情、人或情况缺乏兴趣,毫不关心或没有情感投入。可以用来描述人在面对某些事物或情况时的态度。


       1、My colleagues in the office are indifferent to my suggestions。


       2、She was indifferent to his advances and rebuffed him many times。?


       3、The restaurant's service was indifferent and the food was disappointing。


       4、He was indifferent to the outcome of the competition and didn't care if he won or lost。?


       5、Some people are indifferent to politics and don't care about the government's policies。



       1、be indifferent to:对……漠不关心。

       2、indifferent attitude:漠视态度。

       3、indifferent to criticism:不在意批评。

       4、indifferent response:冷淡的回应。

       5、indifferent expression:漠不关心的表情。

       6、indifferent treatment:草率的对待。

       7、indifferent to pain:对疼痛不敏感。
