prologue 翻译_prologue翻译
今天,我将与大家共同探讨prologue 翻译的今日更新,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。
前言 :foreword 或 introduction 或 preface
序幕一:prelude (或prologue) one
序幕二:prelude (或prologue) two
When the war of the beasts brought the end of the world
女神飞舞 从天降临
The goddesses flew down from heaven
They unfolded their wings of light and darkness
And brought with them icons of fortune
Chapter One
The mystery of the deep abyss
Is the gift of the goddess
Our wish
Is to fly
The lake that is the hesitating heart ripples slightly
In the pit of the abyss
There were three men who looked for "The Gift of the Goddess"
然而 战争拆散了他们
However, they were separated by the war
One became a hero
One became a ranger
剩下的一人 成为被捕的俘虏
And the other, became a captive
Even so
They agreed to solve the mystery together
Chapter two
The captive escaped
But was fatally wounded
Though he kept his life
The one who saved him
was a woman from his enemy's country
他隐姓埋名 与女子过上了隐居的生活
Thus they lived together in seclusion
Those were the days
When happiness seemed to be ever present
The more happiness there was
朋友的那个约定 便使其越发痛苦
The more painful that promise became
Chapter Three
The war has escalated
The world is heading towards ruin
The captive gave up the happiness he shared with his lover
And went on his journey with a determined heart
With the hope that he could find the fortune in "The Gift of the Goddess"
And the hope to fulfil the promise made to his friends, he went on
Even the two in love did not promise
他们也深信 一定会再次重圆
They believed that they would be together once more
The fourth chapter
因果之缘 梦想也好 荣耀也罢 已然尽失
In the hands of fate, dreams and glories are both lost
女神开弓 放尽箭矢
The goddesses drew their bows and released the arrows
Oh my soul that has been chained by the thought of revenge for too long
Oh my wish that has been tangled with frustration
Will soon be released
And you will be in peace in your eternal sleep
The Final Chapter
When the promise breaks
I will go back to where you are
Disguised as the waterdrops of fate
于地之尽头 天之边涯 海之角落
And at the end of this world
I will pass away in silence
certify 证明,保证 ?identify 识别,鉴定 ?
simplify ?简化 ?
modify 修改,修饰
beautify 使美化,使变美
qualify 限制,使具有资格
-fy单词后缀意为:转为,变为 (to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify, simplify
一. 表示否定的前缀
1. dis-加在名词、 形容词, 动词之前。 disadvantage (缺点),dishonorable(不光彩的),disagree(不同意)加在形容词, 名词之前 incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inaccurate (不准确的)
3. im-加在字母 m,b,p 之前 impossible (不可能的), impolite (不礼貌的), impudence (厚颜无耻)
4. il-加在以 1 开头的词前 illegal (非法的), illiterate (文盲的, 无文化的), illogical (不合逻辑的)
5. ir加在以 r 开头的词前 irregular (不稳定的) , irresistable (不可抵抗的) , irresolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的)
6.un-加在名词,形容词,副词 之前 unfinished(未完成的), undoubted(无疑的),unemployment(失 业)
7. non-加在形容词, 名词前 non-existence (不存在), non-essential , (不主要的),non-electrical(非电的)
8.mis-加在动词、名词之 前 misunderstand (误解) , misjudge (误判), misleading (误导), misfortune (不幸)
9.dis-加地动词之前 disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装), disconnect (失去联系)
10. de-加在名词, 形容词之前 demobilize(遣散; 使……复员) , decolor (脱色, 漂白)
11.anti-加在名词、形容词之 前 anti-Japanese(抗日战争),anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的), antidite(解毒药)
12.counter-加在名词、动词前 counterattack(反 攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍),counterrevolution(反革命)
二. 表示“前 before”的前缀
1.pre:preconception(成见),pre-exsiting (先于……而存在的),pre-selection(选举前的), preface(前 言)
2.Ante:anteroom(前室,接待室),antecessor(先行者,先驱 者)
3.Fore:forehaed(前额),foreground(前景),foreman(工头, 领班),foresee(预见,先见),foretell(预言)
4.Pro:programme (计划),prologue(序幕)
5.Ex:ex-president(前任总统), ex-wife (前妻)
三.表示“后-post”的前缀战后), post-position(后置词),postmeridian(下午)
四.表示“低”、“下” 的前缀
1.Hypo:Hypocrisy(伪善,虚伪),hypothesis(假设), pypocholoride(次氯酸盐)
2.Infra:Infra-red(红外线),infrahuman (低于人类的),infrasonic(亚声的,次声的)
3.Sub:Sub-editou(副 编辑),sub-way(地铁),sub-conscious(下意识的),submarine(海下的), subtropical(亚热带的),subtitle(副标题)
五.表示“回”、“再次”、 “向后”的前缀
1. Re:Refuel (给……加油), retranslate (再译), reinforce (加强),reconstruct(重建),return(返回)
2.Retro:Retrograde (倒退的),retrospect(回顾)
六.表示“共同”、“和”的前 缀
1.Co: co-exist(共存),co-operate(合作),co-education(男女同 校)
1.Inter:Interchangeble (可互换的),interdipendert(互相依靠的),international(国际的), inter-national(交往)
八. 表示“出”、“超出”的前 缀
2.Extra:Extraordinary (非凡的),extramural(校外的),extrasensory(超感觉的)
九.表示“超 过”的前缀
1.hyper-, preter-, super-, sur-, ultrahyper-:sensitive (过敏的), preterhuman( 超人的)
十. 其它的前缀
1. auto-自: automatic (自动的),auto-autobilgraphy(自传)
2.mal-坏,恶 :Malnutrition (营养不良) , maltreat (虐待)
3. Micro-: Microscope (显微镜), microtome (切片机)
4.Tele-远: Telegram(电报),telephone(电话),telescope (望远镜)
5.Demi-,semi-hemiSemi-circle(半圆),hemisphere(半 球),demilune(半月,新月)
6.Uni-, mono-(单一, 单独): Monotone (单调),monologue(独白),uniform(制服)
7.Bi-,di-二:Biyearly (二年一次的),biweekly(二周一次的),dichloride(二氯化物)
8.Tri三 :Triangle(三角),tripld(三角架)
9.Multi-多: multi-colored (颜色多样的),multi-national(多国的)
10.Poly –多 :Polygon(多 角形),polytomic(多原子的)
11.Arch-首领 :archbishop(大主教), architect(建筑师)
12.bene-善,好: benefit(利益),benevolence (善意)
13.homo-同: homosexual(同性恋的),homograph(同形异义 字)
14.neo 新 :neo-colonialism(新殖民主义),neolithic(新石器时代 的)
15.ortho-正确,直 :orthogonal(直角的),orthodox(正 统)
16.philo-挚爱 : philosopher(哲学家)
17.proto-原 始: protohydrogen(初氢),prototype(原型),protoplasm(原生 质)
18. pseudo-假的, 伪的, 冒充的: pseudonym (匿名), pseudo-communism (假共产主义)
19. a-,ab-,abs(只有在 t,c 之前) 自 从: avoid (避免) , absent(缺少的),abstain(抑制),abstract(吸引)
20.Apo-,aph-来 自: apology(道歉,谢罪),apostle(倡言者,先驱)分 离: separation (分开), secure (安全的), sedition (煽动叛乱)
22. para防: parachute(降落伞),
23.omni-所有的,公共的 :omnibus(公共汽 车),omnipotence(万能)
24.pan-全,泛 :Pan-American(全美的), pancean(万灵药),panorama(风景的全貌;万花筒)
25.panto全: pantisocracy(乌托邦大同世界),pantoscopic(视野广大)
26.dia通过, 借以 :diagonal (对角的), diagnosis (诊断),dialogue (对话)
27. Per通过,彻底,不利: perambrlate(走来走去),perfect( 极好的 )
28.trans通过,横过: tran(抄本, 副本; 记录),translation(翻译), trxnsparent(透明的),transport(运输),trans-plant(移 植)
29.Com-,con-,cor-,col-共同,和,完全 :comment(评论),compile (编辑),correlation(相互关系),collect(收集),corruption(贪污腐 败),collaborate(合作,合著)
30.syn-共同: synonym(同义词), synchronization(同步),syntonic(谐振的),synthetic(人工的,合成 的)
31.meta-和,在……之后: metaphor(比喻),metaphysics(形而上 学)
32.Cis-在这一边 :cisatlantic(大西洋这边的)
33.pen-几乎, 相近: peninsular(.住在半岛上的居民,半岛(状)的, 形成半岛 的)
34.en-,em-往……里,使……:encamp(扎营),enable(使……能), endear(使……受喜爱),embrace(拥抱,抓住(机会))
35.intro 内 在: intracardiac (心脏内部的), intramolecular( 分子内部的), intracelular (细胞内部的)
36.intro-到……中: introduce(介绍),introspect(反 省, 内省)
37. dys-坏 :dyspepsia (消化不良), dysentry(痢疾)
38. Eu优,美好 :eulogy(颂词),euphony(悦耳的声音)
39.ambi-,amphi-两 者: amphibian(两栖的),ambidextrous(两只手都很灵巧的;心怀二意的; 非常灵巧的)
40. penta-五 :pentagon (五角大楼) pentagram , (五角星) , pentameter(五步诗句)六: sexangle(六角),sexennial(六 年一度的)
42. sept-七: September 九月(古罗马的七月),septennial (七年一度)
43.hepta-七: heptab(七个成套之物),heptagon(七角 形)
44.octa-,octo,oct 八: octagon(八角形),octuple(八倍)October (十月)
45.nona-,ennea-九 :nonagon(九角形),ennead(九个一 组)
46.deci-,deca-十 :decimal(十进位的),decagramme(十 克)
47.centi-百 :centimeter(厘米),centipede(蜈蚣)
48.milli千: millenias(千年的),millimeter(毫米)
49.Kilo-千 :kilowatt (千瓦),kilometer(千米)
1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某 种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)
例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer, auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor
2.-let 意为: 小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)
例词:booklet,leaflet, starlet
3.-ette 意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette
2)假的东 西 (imitation) 例词: leatherette
3) (female) 女性 例词: usherette
4. -ess 意为: 女性 (female)
例词: actress, poetess, hostess, paintress
5. -hood 意为:时期(status;etc.)
6.-ship 意为: 才能, 状态, 资格, 品质等 (skill, state, condition, status, quality)
例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship, sportsmanship
7.-ful 意为:量(the amount which noun contains)
例词: cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful
8.-tion,-ion 意为:1)状态, 行动等 (state; action; etc.例词: ) action, oppression, possession, education, starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)
例词: organization, foundation
9.-ment 意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)
例词: movement, enslavement, pavement
10. 意为: (action) -al 动作
例词: arrival, refusal, revival, recital, removal
11. -age 意为: 程度, 数量等 (extent; amount;etc.)
例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage, hostage
例词: happiness, usefulness, selfishness, kindness, rapidity, activity, sanity,changeability
13.-ism 意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of, practice of)
例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism
二、 动词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:
1.-ify 意为:转为,变为 (to turn into,to make or become)
例词:beautify, diversify, simplify
2.-ize;-en 意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)
例词: modernize, popularize, legalize, hospitalize, symbolize, ripen,widen,heighten,threaten
3.-ate 意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become
)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate, differentiate
三、形容词后缀: 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如 下:
1.-ful 意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)
例词: useful, pitiful,hopeful, helpful, forgetful, thankful,fearful
2. -less 意为: 没有, (without; giving) 无 not
例词: speechless, childless, harmless, hopeless,meaningless
3.-ly 意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)
例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly
4.-like 意为:像……的(like)
例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like
5.-y;-ish 意 为: 像……一般的 (somewhat like)
例词: meaty, sandy, silky, hairy, leafy, watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish
6.-some 意为:像……一 样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)
例词: troublesome, burdensome, wholesome, tiresome, bothersome
7. -able (ible) 意为: 能……的; 可以……的 (able to be ; capable)
例词:changeable, readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible
8.-ed 意 为:有……的(having,etc.)
例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped
9.-al 意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)
10.-ary(ory)意为: 属于……的, 与……相连的 (belonging to; connected with)
例词: revolutionary, imaginary, contradictory
11.-ous 意为:富含?的;有?品质的; 像?的 (full of; having the quality of; like)
例词: glorious, erroneous, malicious,gracious
12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)
例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical, dramatic,heroic
13.-ive 意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)
例词:attractive, talkative, restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive
四、副词 后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:
1.-ly 意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)
例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly, strangely
2. -ward (s) 意为: 表示方式或动作的方向 (manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward (s),eastward(s)
3.-wise 意为:
1)按照……方式(in the manner of) 例词:crabwise,clockwise
2)就……而言(as far as concerned)
例词:weatherwise ,educationwise 有一个原因的单音节词,结尾只有一个 单音辅音,在加以元音后缀是,要双写这个辅音.例词:run + er = runner hit + ing = hitting
Time is life
It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one's life by a little bit. Likewise, with each page torn off the wall calendar, one's life is shortened by another day. Time, therefore, is life. Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years and acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful. All that is foolproof, yet few people really strive to make the best use of their time.
Personally, I am also a fritter. I don't play mahjong. I seldom go to the theatre or cinema--I go there maybe only once every few years. I seldom spend long hours watching TV--usually I watch TV for no more than 30 minutes at a sitting. Nor do I go visiting and gossiping from door to door. Some people asked me, "Then what do you do with most of your time?" Introspecting with remorse, I found that apart from the time earmarked for my job and unavoidable social activities, most of my time had been wasted. I should have concentrated my energies on reading whatever books I have not yet read. I should have utilized all my time in writing anything I want to write. But I've failed to do so. Very much of my time has been frittered away aimlessly. As the saying goes," Once who does not work hard in youth will grieve in vain in old age."
Take the translation of Shakespeare for example. I had initially planned to spend 20 years of my spare time in doing the translation, finishing two plays a year. But I spent 30 years instead, due primarily to my slothfulness. The whole project would probably have fallen through had it been for my fairly long life. After that I had other plans for work, but, because of my approaching senility, somehow I failed to do what I had wished to. Had I spurred myself on in my youth, I would have done more and better. Alas, it is too late to repent.
Another example. The reading of Chinese classics is a must for all Chinese. But it was not until I was over 30 that I came to realize the importance of self-study in the matter of classics. I did read carefully through, making words and phrases for special attention with small circles and dots. But my efforts at self-study were off and on. Confucius says, "I shall be free of great faults if I can live long enough to begin the study of Yi at the age of 50." I feel ashamed to admit that I haven't even touched Yi though now I am over 80. Chinese history books are equally important. When I was leaving China to study abroad, father bought a set of the Tong Wen lithographic edition of the First Four Books of History, and crammed them into my travelling box, taking up half of its space. Several years later, however, after drifting along abroad, I returned home carrying with me the same books unread. It was not until 40 years later that I plucked up enough courage to read through Tong Jian. So many books still remain to be read, and i much regret not having enough time to do it.
Whatever you do, you need a sound body first of all. In my school days, in respond to the so-called "compulsory physical exercises", I went in for many sports at the expense of many pairs of sneakers and rackets, thus luckily building up a minimum of good physique. When I was approaching old age, I did tai ji quan(shadow boxing) for several years. Now I only do some walking exercises. Dear young friends, my advice to you is: Do physical exercises perseveringly. That has nothing to do with merry-making or time-wasting. Good health is the wherewithal for a successful life and career.
今天关于“prologue 翻译”的探讨就到这里了。希望大家能够更深入地了解“prologue 翻译”,并从我的答案中找到一些灵感。